Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Life After Syllabus Week

Life After Syllabus Week In college, there is a glorious week by the name of Syllabus Week. It is the first week of the semester when all of your new professors will do nothing more than discuss and outline what is coming up in the class. As a freshman, you will probably already think that you are experiencing all that college will throw at you; this would be a false notion. The other 15 weeks of the semester are what test each Illini on their path to becoming part of the alumni. You will have exams, papers, quizzes, and projects that will push you to dig deeper and become an even better student. It is important to consider all of the things that will make sure you are successful in the weeks ahead. 1. Get some rest.  Throughout your semester, you will spend a lot of time in class or studying. Make sure that in your off-time you are catching some zs, as well. Your brain will thank you when you have to start getting creative on that big paper later in the semester. About Education 2. Dont be afraid to go to office hours.  There will be many times during the semester when you have questions about assignments, material, and projects that do not have answers on the syllabus. This will be the time to go pay your professor a visit during office hours. Always remember that your professor is there to help and answer any question that you might have. 3. Call home. College life can be stressful sometimes and you will feel like taking a break from everything going on. This is the perfect time to call your family and just talk. You will feel so much more relaxed and they will love hearing from you as much as you love hearing from them. 4. Find your way of studying. It is so vital that you find a way to productively study your material. This means that you should seek out a good location, the right time of day, and possibly who you might want to study with. Having a nice rhythm of good study habits will make a world of difference in your grades. 5. Work hard. This semester will challenge you at times, but it is in those moments that we experience true greatness as we break through what we thought might be possible and achieve something greater. As a student at the University of Illinois, your work will not always be easy, but it will always be fulfilling. So remember to work hard and get excited for the grades that will follow. Jacob Class of 2019 IĆ¢€™m an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.

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