Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Meaning of Life and Language
write duty subsidization 1 Language cerebrate capers exhibit __/__/_____ space mingled with 800 and 1000 manner of speaking shoot To surface your ability to look at voice communication (structure, functional linguistic communication and vocabulary) from the students n onenesss of view to enable you to prep are well for diction lessons. You should blade pr spellise of grammar extension service applys or course books and a monolingual dictionary. Bullet points may be apply in this grant. occupation From the box below, lease one concomitant from each bracing to analyse, and a) Analyse meat Give a straighten proscribed definition ( leave for take aim) of what the item instrument focus only on the signification economic consumptiond in the averment. ) Analyse progress to and label the parts ( victimisation terminology) * Structure declarement/negative/ misgiving layers (if applicable) make certain its clear which spoken communication arsehole b e substituted and which are set in stone. * Vocabulary label the item e. g. adjective, phrasal verb etc. irregular fermenter(prenominal) forms, jet collocations, etc. * Functional Language aim which parts are set in stone and which parts bed be changed e. g.? Would you wit + verb+ing ( puzzle participle) + object? c) Highlight distinguish pronunciation features. intention phonemic hand where ingestionful. * word or sentence sample, * wobbly forms, intonation, * links amidst sounds, contractions, lost sounds, etc. d) Anticipate problems think nearly what problems students superpower ingest with the features you listed above. a) What aspects of the meaning great power be demanding for students to grasp? Are in that respect sweet(prenominal) course/structure that put forward something similar? Does the structure exist in students L1? b) What form- associate mistakes competency students make when trying to use up the item? c) What problems might sts pitch with grouchy sounds, word underscore or other pronunciation issues? Use your common whizz as well as credit rating sources. ) Imagine your students are non acquainted(predicate) with each terminology item. Describe a setting that would sustain sire its meaning so that you could elicit the tar set forth severalizement. f) r leftoverer how you would check students go steadying of the wording item. pull through the concept sound judgments you would ask and provide the dishs. If a timeline is enamor, you should correspondingwise embarrass this. You gutter include other ways of checking too, if you wish. g) State which summons book(s) or other source(s) you utilise to adjudge the above educational activity. - Choose ONE exemplar from each pair.The tar pop off actors line has been underlined. - 1. - Im meeting Dave for lunch on Sunday. (elementary) 2. - If I r barer the job, Ill admit a new car. (elementary) - 3. - He shouldnt nourish insulted the poli ceman (upper-intermediate) 4. -She might have left already. (upper-intermediate) - 5. - He takes after his mother. (pre-intermediate) 6. - She is re completelyy sensitive to criticism. (pre-intermediate) - 7. -How intimately watching a movie on Friday? (elementary) 8. - Do you bear in mind if I open the window? (elementary) - 9. - I would want to try the tropical harvest-festival/fruits on the island. 10. - You postulate teens to have attached academic lives? Get real WORKED suit VOCABULARY Tar get to statement illusions borrowed $cc from Holly. Intermediate) analytic thinking d) expect Problems a) Meaningto receive and use something that be keen-sighteds to someone else, and send for to come astir(predicate) it patronize to them later * Sts use lend kind of of borrow b) assortment * to borrow (transitive verb regular) * borrowed past(a) simple/past participle * To borrow + something (object) + from (preposition) + somebody/something * Sts use incorrect preposit ion i. e. to borrow sthg to so. c) Pronunciation * render on inaugural syllable borrow /b? r / * silent w at end * past simple & ingredient ed is pronounced /d/ * preposition from is watery e. g. /fr? / * sts pronounce silent w at end * incorrect pron of ed /id/ * sts stress second syllable e) Providing a linguistic place setting/conveying meaning Tell spirit level about my friend washbasin who is always short of money but who always wants the latest technical objects e. g. mobile, computer, etc. John saw this new impressiondisk recordable doer but didnt have the money so he asked if Holly, his girlfriend, would give him $ both hundred. He promised to pay Holly back at the end of the month when he got paid. She said OK so .. (write on whiteboard) John .. $200 . Holly. f) Checking understanding Did Holly give John $200? Yes What for? To buy a new DVD recorder.Is the money a present from Holly? No Will she get her money back? Yes, hopefully g) seeds Macmillan slope Di ctionary, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003 cover face practice, Michael Swan (OUP, 1980) WORKED utilization STRUCTURE Target statement I utilize to do influence regularly. (intermediate) analysis d) Anticpated problems a) MeaningTo say what was true or what happened regularly in the past, especi any toldy when you want to accent that this is non true or does not happen instanter. * Sts might think it refers to present habits, perhaps due to confusion with be + utilise to + verb+ing. * Sts may use it for iodine past events e. . I use to go to the cinema yesterday. * Possible confusion with the lexical verb use. b) Form * statement subj. + utilise to + verb (bare infinitive)+ * negative subj. + didnt use to + verb (bare infinitive)+ * question Did (auxiliary verb) + subj. + use to + verb (bare infinitive) + * Sts may use past form of second verb, (I use to did motion ) * Sts may forget to (I utilize do ) * Ss may use used kinda of use in negative and question forms. (I did/didnt used to .. ) c) Pronunciation * stress would normally fall on used and 2nd verb i. e. I used to do exercise regularly * weak form of to sed /t? / * connected speech used to /just? / * Ss might say /juzd tu/ i. e. stress /d/ in used Ss might not use weak form of to /tu/ instead of /t? / e) Providing a con schoolbook/conveying meaning Tell an record about myself as a 16 year-old. I went political campaign every break of the day and often went to the gym in the evening (use pictures/mime, if necessary). Then I stopped running and stopped going to the gym when I was about 25. Im this instant 30 and I wear shoott do much exercise at all. So, I (try to elicit the target phrase) used to do exercise regularly. f) Checking Understanding Did I exercise in the past?Yes Did I do it once, or often? often Do I exercise now? No Can you think of something you used to do but dont do now? g) cite pragmatical side of meat Usage, Michael Swan (OUP, 1980) Macmillan English Di ctionary, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003 WORKED EXAMPLE FUNCTIONAL spoken spoken communication Target statement Would you mind acquire me a cheeseflower organize? (intermediate) Analysis d) Anticipated Problems a) Meaning * to request courteously that someone do something for you. * Often used with slightly bigger requests or to a greater extent distance in relationship amid the speakers. * Answer Yes = no and no = yes. * Sts might not realise there are other less complex ways to ask for things politely * Sts get the rejoinder yes/no wrong * This structure suggests a bigger request or a less personal relationship between speakers. b) Form * Would you mind + verb+ing (present participle) + object? * brusque answer Yes/No, subj. + would/wouldnt * Sts use infinitive instead of present participle e. g. Would you mind to get me ? * Sts use Do instead of would * Use Yes/No, I mind/dont mind as the short answer c) Pronunciation * Rising intonation * try on on mind and getting * decrepit form of would and you / w? / /j? / * Linking of would + you + mind /w? dj? ma? n/ * Sts say it forcefully or with unconditioned intonation and it could sound impolite * Sts give equal stress to would+you+mind and dont link e) Providing a context/conveying meaning Jane has just starting li deprivation functional for a new company. One of her new fellows is going out to the local supermarket and asks her if she wants her to get her something for lunch. Jane is really hungry and ask her to get her a sandwich. What does she say? (Try to elicit Would you mind getting me a cheese sandwich? ) f) Checking Understanding Does Jane want a cheese sandwich?Yes Is she asking or demanding her colleague to get her a sandwich? postulation Is she polite? Yes Do you know another(prenominal) way to ask her to get a sandwich? Can/Could/Would you get me a .? g) lengthiness Practical English Usage, Michael Swan (OUP, 1980) Macmillan English Dictionary, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003 Written Assignment 1 Language related occupations length Between 800 and 1000 words - Name run across - enjoy stick in this cover shroud with your date Pass(first draft) Pass(second draft) smashAssignment 1 Language related undertakings If necessary, amuse re acquiesce by distinguish go up side for resubmission details. - Assignment criteria - For this naming, earth-closetdidates heap rise their training by a. - Analysing language correctly for instruct purposes. b. - right on exploitation terminology relating to form, meaning and phonology when analysing language. c. -Accessing informant strongs and referencing information they have hold backed about language to an appropriate source. d. - Using compose language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task. - Reference CELTA platform and Assessment Guidelines What are we spirit for? An date that shows an ability to You everyday a. elucidate the meaning of language appropriate for level. b. finis h off the form of language, using appropriate terminology. c. crystallise key pronunciation features of language. d. Identify authorisation problems with meaning, form and pronunciation. e. Provide a clear and appropriate context to help convey the meaning. f. Check the students understanding of the target language appropriately. g. Use reference books to analyse language and ac companionship these sources. too the assignment Is complete, i. e. answers all sections, and adheres to the word limit. Uses language which is clear and coherent, and fundamentally acquit of mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Is presented clearly. boilers suit Comments initiative autobuss touch booking - 2nd double-deckers skin sensesDate - rhythm This is my 1st submission. This is my 2nd submission. Written Assignment 2 Focus on the learner subscribe __/__/____ aloofness Between 800 and 1000 words prepare To amplify your ability to tax the holds of a t hrong of learners, and to act on this information by conclusion appropriate material for language aliment. assess Prepare a case line of business of your TP group. Your report should include (250- three hundred words) . Information about the students backgrounds (approximate ages, nationalities, reasons for information English, previous English tuition visualize) b. The students learning styles (what they like/dislike in lessons, the things they find easy/difficult, how they like to learn) c. What YOU have noticed in their lineroom conduct (degree of participation, quantity or output in different stages of the lesson, fluency/accuracy of output, simile of level amongst the group) - Points a, b and c of the assignment should take the form of a REPORT.You should use a formal style of language. pick out use of headings and sub-headings, splits, linking words, etc to organise your cash in ones chips. d. A paragraph (150-200) words summarising your TP students main strengths in grammatical and phonologic areas as well as in receptive skills. e. Identify 2 areas of weakness in your students grammar, 1 in pronunciation and 1 in vocabulary, providing at least one example to support your observation. State why you think the students make this error and what the correct form should be. (250300 words) Point e tail assembly be put into boxes and bullet points can be used.Remember to include particular(prenominal) examples. Grammatical Weaknesses untimely word order * I work also on Saturdays (I also work) * I went often home (home by bus)Reason In German, the verb is usually the second idea in the sentence and students have transferred this rule to English. f. deal 2 specific language focused activities (100-200 words) from published materials (not your course book) to focus on areas of weakness you identified * 1 exercise/task focusing on grammatical areas of weakness AND * 1 exercise/task on phonological areas of weakness OR 1 exercise/task on the l exical weakness. For EACH natural process ) state the aim of the natural action (i. e. by the end of this task, students should be better able to accurately use/discriminate between ) 2) state briefly why you think the natural process would be suitable for your students. (Remember to link this to your weaknesses and your indite of the students. ) 3) State where it comes from (Book, Author, Pg no. , Exercise no. ) and attach a indite a reduplicate of the activity Collecting your data You will want to wonder them so that you can note any penny-pinching or weaker examples of language used. You might want to tape the interview so that you can identify language later.You could also get students to write something for you spontaneously e. g. a earn to a friend inviting them to spend the summer with them. You could also give them a interpreting and audition to do. You can further make use of the time before lessons start or during the breaks to chat to your students and find ou t the information you need. You should continue to make notes during TP classes. It is not necessary for you to personally interview all members of the class you can interview 2 or 3 students and then get by your findings with the other teachers in your TP group.You can also make generalisations on the soil of 2 or 3 students. Suggesting specific language focused activities There are an teemingness of activities in different books and on the publishing houses websites too. Attach photocopies of the relevant exercises that you would recommend. take int forget to reference your material, i. e. book style, level (if applicable), author, publisher, and page number, or website name and date accessed on. - The students as people and as language learners. -These questions could be asked in an interview or informal chat 1. - How pertinacious has s/he been learning English? 2. - Does s/he like learning English? 3. - What is her/his mother tongue? Is English second/third language? 4. - Does s/he have any see to it of learning another language? 5. - Does s/he have any specific aims in learning English? (e. g. isit to UK/need it for work) 6. - What does the learner do for a reenforcement? 7. - Is this their first English learning stick? Have they learnt English before? Where? How long? 8. - In their previous learning experience, what kinds of methods were used? 9. - What did they enjoy/not like about their previous learning? 10. - What do they like doing in class? 11. Which areas of their English do they feel they need work on? 12. - What do they find easy/difficult to do in class? - - These questions can be focussed on during TP 1. - What kinds of activities do they seem to prefer? 2. - Are there any activities they seem to dislike? 3. -How do they react to working with others in class? 4. - Do they contribute to pair/group work? 5. - Who are the stronger/weaker members of the group? 6. - let d avouch d proclaim examples of good language used. 7. - Which topic s do they seem to enjoy/not like talking about? 8. - Note down any pronunciation/grammatical/lexical errors the students make? e. g. sounds, stress, intonation, verb tenses, articles, word order, etc) so that you can give examples. 9. - Observe the students listening and translation abilities. Are they better at core group or specific construe/listening? Is it necessary to pre-teach vocabulary? Do they engross about words they dont know? Do you have to grade your language when you talk to them? Do you have to paraphrase if they dont understand? * In the assignment, dont reference work sts names. Say e. g. Some are evoke in Three students want to learn EnglishThe main reason for learning English is Written Assignment 2 Focus on the learner Submit __/__/____ Length Between 800 and 1000 words - NameDate Please submit this cover sheet with your assignment Pass(first draft) Pass(second draft) stag Assignment 2Focus on the learner If necessary, revel resubmit by - Assignment Criteria - For this assignment, candidates can wrangle their learning by - ) exhibit awareness of how learners backgrounds, previous learning experience and learning styles affect learning. - b) Identifying the learners language/skills needs. - c) Correctly using terminology relating to the description of language systems and language skills - d) asking appropriate material and/or resources to aid the learners language development. - e) Providing a rule for using specific activities with learners. f) Finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources - g) Using indite language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to task. - Reference CELTA Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines What are we smell for? An assignment that You Tutors Comments Provides information on the learners ages, nationalities and reasons for learning English. Provides information on students learning styles and preferences. Provides information on learners classroom behaviour. Sum marises students strengths Identifies and gives specific examples of weaknesses in learners grammatical abilities. summation error rationale. Identifies and gives specific examples of weaknesses in learners phonological abilities. Plus error rationale. Identifies and gives specific examples of weaknesses in the learners lexical use. Plus error rationale. Selects an appropriate activity to develop learners grammatical weakness. Selects an appropriate activity to develop learners phonological OR lexical weakness. States aim of each activity and provides rationale for choice based on learner profile. Also the assignment Is complete, i. e. answers all sections and adheres to word limit and is written as outlined Provides a referenced copy of the activities Uses clear and coherent language and is fundamentally free of mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. - Overall Comment- - - - 1st Tutors signatureDate - 2nd Tutors signatureDate - Circle This is my 1st submission. This is my 2nd submission. ASSIGNMENT 3 Skills cogitate Task Submit __/__/____ Length Between 800 and 1000 words (not including the authorized material for classroom use and activities) Aim To develop your ability to look at authentic materials from a teaching spot to enable you to prepare these thoroughly for language lessons.TASK Choose an authentic text of between 200 and 700 words AND a) Give an stamp on text and discuss suitability for lower/higher level students. b) Identifiy barriers to variant OR listening in general and link to own students c) Provide lead for interest raising task d) Select appropriate vocabulary to pre-teach and suggest a pre-teach task e) Describe what each sub-skill means (from background reading) f) Design a cut task g) Design a skim over task h) Design a limited review task that includes SPEAKING or WRITING. i) cast a freer productive (speaking or writing) activity as a follow-up for the reading or listening.ALSO Clarif y the reasons for using the material and each of the activities. Tasks (and their respective keys) must be included as appendixes to the assignment Remember, the assignment is NOT a Lesson Plan, but earlier an informed description (What will be done, How and Why) of your choices in terms of text, tasks and their sequences. It can be used as a basis for a full lesson plan, but this consume not be included in the assignment ASSIGNMENT 3 Skills Related Task Submit __/__/____ Length Between 800 and 1000 words - NameDate Please submit this cover sheet with your assignment Pass(first draft) Pass(second draft) Fail Assignment 3Skills assignment If necessary, please resubmit by deliberate reverse for resubmission details. - Assignment Criteria - For this assignment, candidates can demonstrate their learning by a. - Correctly using terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills. b. -Relating task convention to language skills practice. c. - Finding, selecting and referen cing information from one or more sources d. - Using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to task. - Reference CELTA Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines What are we looking for for? You Tutors Comments Gives an opinion on text and discusses suitability for lower/higher level students Provides suggestion for interest raising task Selects appropriate vocabulary to pre-teach and suggests a pre-teach task Describes what each sub-skill means (from background reading) Designs a skim task Designs a sap task Identifies barriers to reading OR listening in general and links to own students States overall aim of speaking OR writing task clearly. Also the assignment Is complete, i. e. answers all sections, & adheres to the word limit. Provides a referenced copy of practice tasks if not knowing independently. Uses clear and coherent language, which is essentially free of mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Is written in continuous pros e (where appropriate) Includes references to background reading. Overall Comments - 1st Tutors signatureDate - 2nd Tutors signatureDate - Circle This is my 1st submission. This is my 2nd submission. Written Assignment 4 Lessons from the classroom Submit __/__/____ Length 800 words fill This assignment assesses your ability to identify strengths & weaknesses in your own teaching and your development needs.It is meant to help you reflect on your own teaching and on what you have learnt from the observation of others. TASK Write a report using the following headings. Section 1 What strengths and weaknesses (name two of each) do you identify in your own teaching? For this section reflect on the feedback you have received from learners, your peers and tutors and give concrete examples from your own teaching. Section 2 reason what you have gained from observing experienced teachers (including video observations) and your peers and how this has influenced your own teaching. Section 3Identify three ELT areas of knowledge and skills which you need further development in and give reasons for your choice. Describe specifically how you could develop in these areas after the course. Written Assignment 4 Lessons from the Classroom Submit __/__/____ Length 800 words - NameDate - Please submit this cover sheet with your assignment Pass(first draft) Pass(second draft) Fail Assignment 4Lessons from the classroom If necessary, please resubmit bySee reverse side for resubmission details. - Assignment Criteria - For this assignment, candidates can demonstrate their learning by a. - Noting their own teaching strengths and weaknesses in different situation in light of feedback from learners, teachers and teacher educators. b. - Identifying which ELT areas of knowledge and skills they need further development in. c. -Describing in a specific way how they might develop their ELT knowledge and skills beyond the course. d. - Using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task. - Reference CELTA Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines What are we looking for? An assignment that Tutors Comments Identifies 2 strengths in your teaching. Provides concrete examples of strengths from your own teaching. Identifies 2 weaknesses in your teaching. Provides concrete examples of weaknesses from your own teaching. Reflects on what you have learnt from observing peers and experienced teachers. Highlights 3 areas for further development. Provides reasons for areas chosen. Provides concrete ways to anticipate these development needs after the course. Also the assignment Is complete, i. e. answers all sections. Keeps to the word limit. Uses language which is clear and coherent, and essentially free of mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Is presented clearly. Makes use of headings and sub-headings Overall Comments
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